Book Marks

lets read book markWell, done Svetlana Alexievich, well done!

Girls creator, Lena Dunham, talks about writing about women at Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls website.

Another Humans of New York is coming out on the 13th!

Amazon to open bricks and mortar store in Seattle.

Speaking of Amazon, they are going to start their own version of Etsy, which will be another way for crafters and artisans to sell their wares.

Author James Patterson to offer holiday bonuses to booksellers throughout the US. So cool!

Okay, Chrissie Hynde; I won’t buy your book! Neener, neener!

Ten books that should have gender-swapped main characters.

Creative writing prompts for every day of the year!

Need a good cathartic bawl-fest? Read these books.

Book Marks

big bookslSome grammar mistakes are okay to make, so chill!

Netflix is has optioned the Lemony Snicket books for its TV show streaming series.

Thirteen places to put you in the mood for reading (yea, like most of us have to be put in the mood for reading).

If I had a daughter, I’d hope she’d be cool as Tavi Gevinson. And I really like her term “Feminist-Creative.”

Could we possibly have the chance to read a “new” book by the late John Steinbeck ? We just might!

As a child I was besotted with the “Little House” books, but as an adult, I learned the books were not all they seemed. Now the true story of Laura Ingalls and her family has been released.

Just wrote a book? Ask yourself these three questions before you write a book proposal.

Erotic books that don’t suck like Fifty Shades of Grey.

Hmm, as if I don’t have enough books to read. Wait. I could never have enough books to read.

Can you take another link about Amy Poehler? Well, you’re going to have to. Fifteen awesome quotes from Amy’s book Yes, Please.

Book Marks

bookmarksNEW2November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Want to get started on that novel? Here are some tips to at least get a good first draft going. And here is Elvis Costello with some musical inspiration for all of you fledgling novelists.

Girl crush Amy Poehler recently released “Yes, Please,” (can’t wait to read this), and she was interviewed by the Reddit AMAA. Here are the highlights.

Want to know what the Boss likes to read? Bruce Springsteen shares his favorite books.

Five Things Every Story Needs.

With the midterm elections coming up Tuesday, November 4th, here are some great books on politics courtesy of Good Reads.