Book Review: Heartbreak Sucks-How to Get Over Your Break Up in 30 Days by Jared Woods Heartbreak Sucks! How to Get Over Your Breakup in 30 Days eBook:  Woods, Jared: Kindle Store

Heartbreak is never fun. But it is something most of us have been through. And if you haven’t, what are you? A unicorn?

Jared Woods doesn’t claim to be a therapist or a relationship expert. He’s just an average bloke from the UK who has dealt with a broken heart and has lived to tell the tale. Woods has find ways to heal his heartbreak and move on. And he’s willing to share his advice on how to get over a broken heart in his book Heartbreak Sucks: How to Get Over Your Breakup in 30 Days.

Though Woods tells us to read his book any way we want, he does advise reading a chapter every morning over 30 days, and let what you read marinate in your brain. He suggest we find fun ways to implement his advice and do what we can do on any given day. Woods understands that some advice might not sit right with the with the reader and some may connect. That’s okay. Everyone is different.

Now, I haven’t had my heart broken in the romantic sense lately. But I think 2020 was a very heartbreaking year, and many of us are still struggling in the aftermath. So I read this book and found Woods advice to be thoughtful and practical.

The first task Woods wants you to implement is “Break Down and Be Pathetic.” Yes, it’s okay to cry, curse the world, and wallow in self-pity. You’re human, and you’re allowed to fall apart.

Other advice and tasks Woods offers include, cutting the offender off, extending your circle of help, fix yourself up and look sharp, get into a good routine, design your ideal lover, and realize success is the best revenge ever. And as we come to close, Woods tells us it’s time to make peace with our ex and move on. It’s time to stay good-bye. And who knows? Maybe you will find true love that will last forever the next time around.

And interspersed throughout this book are cute little illustrations and quotes on heartbreak by the likes of Oscar Wilde, Martin Luther King, Jr., Lady Gaga, Wayne Gretzky, and Ann Landers.

I really did like Heartbreak Sucks. Woods writes in a place of empathy and kindness. He doesn’t berate the reader. He’s been there, done that, and written a book. I think Heartbreak Sucks is an ideal book and loving guide on getting over any type of heartbreak.