Writer’s Block

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

Hello everyone. May is almost here, and I’m freaking out how fast 2024 is whizzing by. I do have a lot of book-related goodness in store for all of you. I hope to get three book reviews posted and probably a reading to reels post. Thanks for reading and for all of your support.

Writer’s Block

Hello everyone. I hope all of you are enjoying my blog. My birthday is this Saturday, March 2nd (mark it in your calendars). I plan on having a subdued celebration. Yes, books will be involved, and probably Chinese food. And this blog will also be on my mind. I have a lot of book and blog goodness in store for March, including revisiting an author who’s first book was made into a very popular TV show, a reading to reels post, and a retro review. I am just so excited for this blog. Thanks for your continuous support. I love it more than I can say.

Writer’s Block

Hello everyone. This Thursday is Thanksgiving and the holiday season is upon us. I will be busy preparing for Christmas, spending time with my family and friends, work, and other personal activities. So, you may not see so many book reviews on my blog for the next few weeks, though I do hope to get at least one or two up sometime in December. However, I know 2024 will be a wonderful year of reading, reviewing, and sharing other book related content.

Writer’s Block

Hello everyone. I’m doing okay. I’m still heartbroken over losing my sweet kitty, but I’m healing. And next week I will start posting book reviews and other book related content. Thank you for your patience.

This afternoon, my darling friend, Jenny, treated me to a drink at our favorite coffee shop, Rochambo. Brian, the barista, drew this kitty between two hearts on my cup in honor of Pokey.

Writer’s Block

Christmas and the new year will be upon us soon. I’ll be pretty busy gearing up to celebrate with family and friends. I have gifts to wrap and goodies to bake. However, you will see more blog goodness shortly. I have several book reviews to write and there are quite a few books on my to be read pile. I wish you happy holidays!

Writer’s Block

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. I’m hanging in there. A lot is happening in my life, but this blog is always on my mind. I have a political and election related book review that will be published next week. I just finished another book, and a review should be posted shortly. And I finally got around to renewing my library card and just checked out two novels, which I will also review. I have quite a few books that have been sent to me to read and review, which will keep me busy in the upcoming colder months. I can never have enough books to read!

Writer’s Block

Hello, everyone. I’m still kvelling over writing 1000 posts on this blog, but I still have so much more to write. I’m working on a couple of book reviews, I finishing up another book to review, and I should have an interview with a really great author posted sometime next week or so.