Book Marks

bookmarks obamaMeet Jessica Hopper, music critic, supporter of women writers, bad-ass feminist, and all-around cool chick.

Here is the book cover for Mindy Kaling’s latest tome, Why Not Me.

Please get this smart and delightful young gentleman a book deal!

Have you ever wondered what the coolest words are in the English language? The website has the answer.

I am just dotty about office supply and stationery stories; this article explains why people like me are drawn to places that sell pens, notebooks, highlighters and other assorted items that take up residence at our desks.

Book Marks

bookmarkIn this day and age of Amazon and chain bookstores, it’s a comfort to find amazing independent books shops. And eight of them are located right here in Milwaukee, including one of my favorites Boswell Book Company.

Can we get this creative little girl a book deal? I just adore “Humans of New York.” It’s so life-affirming. Life-affirming? Did I just turn into Oprah?

Why should young whipper-snappers get all the book deals? Fifty and over? Write that book!

Forget spring cleaning; how about some spring reading?

As a woman who has chosen not to have children, I totally want to read this book!