Book Marks

cropped-reading_is_coolEntertainment Weekly shows its appreciation for the late Terry Pratchett.

Book Con is May 30th and 31st in NYC. It will be kicked off by Mindy Kaling and BJ Novak, and Mindy will discuss her upcoming second book. Book Con will also feature such notables as Sherman Alexie, Meg Cabot, James Patterson, Taye Diggs, Julianne Moore, John Hodgman and David Levithan.

Japanese library restoring books that were nearly destroyed by the tsunami.

Want to write a book that people will actually want to read? Then you need these 10 elements.

Is this the ultimate book bag or what?
book bagGuess what, Sheryl Sandberg? Not all of us can afford to “Lean-in.”

Book Marks

bookmarkIf I had a kid who was not obsessed with books, I hope I’d be as opened-minded as this mom.

“Gilmore Girls” inspires reading challenge. After reading this feature, I’m kicking myself for not watching “Gilmore Girls.” Rory sounds like such a cool character. I must binge watch the DVDs.

BJ Novak, yep, Ryan the Temp from The Office, hopes his children’s book, The Book With No Pictures, gets kids hooked on literature.

John Oliver of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” wonders why Ayn Rand is still a “thing.” Hmm, I’ve been pondering the same thing.

The film adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s hugely successful novel Gone Girl is tops at the box office.

Book Marks

Fart the Messenger BoyI’m currently working on a couple of book reviews, and I hope to have one of them up shortly. In the mean time please enjoy some news and gossip about books, writers and readers.

Pop Sugar reminds us to read the books before the film adaptions show up at our local movie theaters.

BJ Novak, who you probably remember as Ryan the Temp from “The Office” has a trailer to his upcoming book, One More Thing. And it features (spoiler alert) Mindy Kaling, yep, Kelly Kapoor!

Laura Miller from asks, “Can you make kids like books?”

Want to write? Successful writers offer some great tips.

Sony Pictures has bought the film rights to Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In. Flavorwire offers some hypothetical film plots for the COO of Facebook’s non-fictional, advice-giving tome.