The Book of Love

love-quotes-22I’ve decided to start a new post series called “The Book of Love.” And by love, I don’t just mean romantic love, which of course, is truly divine. I’m talking another definition of love-agape. Agape is the concept brotherly love, or the love of your fellow man. To me, it means showing love to your fellow human beings by expressing empathy, especially in times of need. Empathy isn’t just feeling for a person; it is also feeling with that person. And if there is anything this messed up world needs is more empathy, or love concept of agape.

As many as you know I wrote a little rant about blogger Penelope Trunk and the evil comments she wrote about Sheryl Sandberg in the wake of her husband Dave Goldberg’s sudden death. Ms. Sandberg is grieving deeply, and Trunk’s reaction was so insensitive, so ignorant I just had to respond. Where was Trunk’s sense of decency?

Fortunately, there are people like journalist Katie Hafner. Ms. Hafner lost her own beloved husband, Matthew Lyon, quite suddenly and has an idea of what Ms. Sandberg and her family is going through. And in this open letter to Ms. Sandberg, Ms. Hafner not only expresses true compassion for Ms. Sandberg is going through, she also offers wise counsel on how to cope. Don’t be surprised if your eyes fill with tears while reading this. Mine did.

A Letter to Sheryl Sandberg

Thank you so much Katie Hafner for your letter and putting your love out into the world. You are a treasure.