Book Marks

gay_pride_rainbow_flag_maple_bookmark-r18f599f9edfb41689ae64dbf1248ea1f_zzesj_512JK Rowling announces a Harry Potter stage play will debut in 2016.

In 2018 small press publisher And Other Stories will only release books written by women.

Dan Savage is so on-point about Bristol Palin’s announcement that once again, she’s pregnant with no wedding ring on her finger (hmm, so much for preaching abstinence), and if it was one of the Obama girls, she would be completely slut-shamed. Hell, Malia and Sasha get slut-shamed for wearing short skirts.

For all writers, especially the one writing this blog, this is how to develop a writing routine.

And finally, artists and writers celebrate the SCOTUS ruling on same sex marriage (or as I like to call it, marriage).