Book Review: Cheat Sheets For Life-Over 750 Hacks for Health, Happiness and Success by Ayesha Ratnayake

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When it comes to our relationships, work, health, or well-being as a whole, we often look for ideas and advice to improve our lives. And we like advice that cuts to the chase and is brief, but helpful.

So that’s why I was interested in reading Ayesha Ratnayake’s book Cheat Sheets for Life: Over 750 Hacks for Health, Happiness, and Success.

Ratnayake has been an avid reader since she was a child. And she credits her father for encouraging her to read non-fiction. This led her to be curious on various topics, including how to make our lives more manageable.

Cheat Sheets for Life is divided into 18 chapters on topics like everyday happiness, parenting, work, leadership, and green living. Under each topic are sub-topics with hacks you can implement on any issue that perplexes you and you may need some helpful guidance.

Cheat Sheets for Life is a book that can be read from beginning to end or read by subject. Having issues with insomnia, I was definitely interested in the hacks on getting a good night’s sleep. I’m also proud to say there are some hacks I already use like meditation.

Cheat Sheets for Life is written in a down-to-earth and audience-friendly style. Ratnayake is personable and empathetic. And Ratnayake didn’t just come up with these hacks. She put a lot of effort on researching these hacks. She even provides resources at the end of the book.

I found Cheat Sheets for Life to be a very informative and beneficial book. I’m sure my readers will, too.