Book Marks

  1. Author Judith Krantz, dead at the age of 91.

2. Author of Heather Has Two Mommies contemplates its relevance 30 years after its .

3. Looks like there is going to be a Hunger Games prequel.

4. Tips on how to build a successful writer’s website.

5. Jennifer Weiner on sexism, the media and women writers.

6. London’s feminist bookshops.

7. The invention of the “beach read.”

8. Mother and daughter team up to write about Greendale, Wisconsin.

9. Who knew the late, great Gloria Vanderbilt reviewed books?

10. Five books on financial matters to read this summer.

Writer’s Block

I don’t often delve a lot on this blog when it comes to my personal life, just a few hints here and there regarding my off-line life. I’m a pretty private person, but you may have noticed a decrease in activity lately. Earlier this month my father died after a couple of years of declining health. So needless to say, I haven’t been in the mood to do a lot of writing. But books are a comfort so I’ve been doing a lot of reading and I hope to have some reviews up shortly.

Thanks for understanding and all of your support throughout the years. I truly treasure it.