You don’t have to take a look at the calendar to realize summer is coming to an end, and soon it will be fall. My summer has been quiet and low-key, but not exactly uneventful. I’ve been busy looking for a new job, which includes not only looking and receiving promising job leads, but also updating and improving my resume and other pertinent job-related materials including my physical portfolio. Last week I organized some of my papers, which included articles, various copywriting and strong academic work.

What else? A friend has offered to do a website for me for free! And another one will help me with the photography and various graphic design elements. Once it is completed I’ll post it here.

But what about this blog? Well, I now am using a new Twitter feed to promote this blog. My blog also has a Facebook page. And you can find my reviews on Good Reads, which links back to the Book Self.

And yes, some book reviews. Look for reviews of two novels and a work on non-fiction. I’m finishing up another novel, and afterward I will start reading another novel and a non-fiction book. My friend Nora also gave me three books to read and review. Believe me, this blog won’t end any time soon as long as there are books in the world.

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